Lesson Plan:Fiscal Policies Fed toolswhat Fed can do with OMO to solve inflation Fiscal and Monetary efficiencyimpact of tools on loanable funds market Impact of loanable funds on AD/AS
What are two fiscal policy and how can they solve inflation?
Another fiscal policy is government spending it can increase own spending on goods, services, and infrastructure projects this stimulates economy and increases demand for goods and services
One of them is Taxation, the gov can increase taxes to reduce the amount of money people have to spend which helps slow down consmer spendinf and reduce demand
Lesson Plan:Fiscal Policies Fed toolswhat Fed can do with OMO to solve inflationFiscal and Monetary efficiencyimpact of tools on loanable funds market Impact of loanable funds on AD/AS
Lastly Disount rate; discount rate is interest rate Fed charges bank when funds are borrowed. by increase or decrease fed encourages discourages bank from borrowing which impacts money supple influences economic conditions
fed tools:the open market operations. The fed can buy/sell governemt securities which can increase/decrease money supple in the economy which influences interast rates and stimulates or slows down economic activity
Reserve requirments , feds set reserve requirment which is percentageod deposits that bank holds as reserves. Adjusting requirments amount of money lent out is controlled impacting money supply
Fed can sell governemnt securities in the open market. DOing that they can eeduce the money supple which can help slow down spending and decrease inflationary pressures.