In 610 AD, the Prophet was meditating on Mount Hira, contemplating and in deep thought about life.He was visited by Angel Gabriel and was revealed the first verses of the Quran.
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The Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) was born in Mecca, in 571 AD. He spent most of his teen and adult years as a shepherd and, later on, as a merchant working for a wealthy businesswoman, Khadija.
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Persecution and Hijrah
The tribe leaders did not like this. They persecuted, boycotted and tortured all those who would believe in Mohammed and One God. After years of oppression, Muslims were forced to free their homeland and gradually migrate to Medina, this is called the Hijrah
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Conquest and Death
In 620 AD, after many battles and treaties, many became Muslims and an army of 10,000 led by Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) conquered Mecca with little to no bloodshed. Mohammed died soon later, upon his return to Medina in 632 AD.
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After his initial shock and confusion, he eventually understood God's message of becoming a messenger. He began preaching monotheism among the mainly polytheistic Arab tribes, fighting the oppression of women, children and the poor.
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Khadija, having seen the Prophet's trustworthy and kind nature, considered a proposal for him in marriage. They soon got married in 595 AD.