this is very unsettling, something weird is going on
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this bodes some strange eruption to our state
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be careful if you follow the ghost out there, you cannot get hurt
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Speak now, I'll follow thee
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I am your father, Hamlet. Claudius killed me to take the thrown from me. You will need to seek revenge but only to him.
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Do anything as long as you shall not harm your mother, as she will go to heaven
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Remember me, and I will remember you. Thank you or the info.
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O, what a rogue peasant slave am I!
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I plan to be mad so as the game plan so I can seek revenge for my fathers murder
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*inner monologue*I just don't know what to do. How do I do it? When do I do it? Where? I don't want my mom to know about this. I just have to. My father told me to do something, I must do it
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So i will be sticking to the plan as where I act like I am upset but this has no affect on how I really feel inside, I just have to act with purpose, while acting mad to the outside world
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Why does it have to be me always needing to make the wrong into the right, I always have to make things right. Why can't it be someone else that has the responsibility of taking Claudius out.