Good morning class, Today we will talk a little about the history of Medusa...
The story took place in Libya in Africa...
After Medusa was cursed by the goddess Athena, she became a forget for those who wanted to demonstrate her courage.
What's going on here? If it continues, I'll be forced to call the guards. They are bloking the way
Another idiot. Do they not undertand? If he is, he will surely turn to stone, just like everyone else. If I werehem, I´d give up on thes crazy idea. It's suicide.
I don't belive it.
Stop being grumpy man, don't you see what's going on? They're saying that one more warrior is going to try to Kill Medusa.
You are the who is crazy, if he goes we will have peace again and we will no longer live in fear. Her that he is one of Zeus sons.
If he really is who he says he is, he won't bother with a few questions.
Because every time someone confronts her, she gets angry and invades the village,
what are you doing?
you are crazy? why don't you want him to go?
if he really is who be says he is, he won't be tolerant os silly questions. Put that hand down
So Perseus went out to meet the beast to a mysterious cave full os human statues and...
Vitótia? wake up!
Teatche, if I had not slept in class, would not be so within the story.
If you keep sleeping during class, your grades will end up getting worse.