_oh what is in todays mail!_bruhh im not interested_im going to throw it out
personal informationfrom; bank letter
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ident theft happens when someone takes your name and personal in formation and uses it without your permission could include bank information
time to throw out the garbage_ what is that !!-ima use it
bank letter
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beware of these sings of identity theft of a bank:-bills for items you did not pay-bebt collections calls. for account you did not open-information on credit report for acc you did not open-denial of loan application-mail stops coming or missing from mailbox-any suspicious
omg someone has been using my bank account
how to deter a identify theft:-safeguard any personal information-create strong unique password-keep your devices secure -monitor your financial account -shered sensitive documents
how to defend from identify theft- in this case you could report emmidietly to your bank
the value of a free credit:0 you can obtain free credit report\history and take neccesay actions to ptrotect your self