Barry and his little brother bilbo were sitting around their house one foggy night. Barry was bored and he wanted to do something. He decided to help the villagers with things around town.
The dragons in the village were working but 1 of them needed help. The dragon that keeps the wings or teeth of the kings. The dragon has lost one of the teeth and he needs help finding it quickly. Luckily when Barry was flying to the village he heard the dragon that lost the tooth.
So Barry told the dragon that he would like to help and then Barry set off on his mission. He went towards were the king was last seen. The mountains.
On his way to the mountains Barry found an elderly dragon that said he could help him. The elder told him that he saw 1 tooth on the top of the mountain. So they went off.
On the top of the mountain Barry got the tooth! but on his way back he found a mean dragon that he had to fight.
Two guards were blocking the exit so Barry had to fight. They fought until the other dragon got a big deep scratch and and that was Barrys chance to get away. He did realise that he can fly and the guards were humans so he could fly by the top.