In 1803 the French were low on supplies but did not have the money to buy much. They needed supplies because they were in war with Great Britain. The French offered 15 million for their land which would be about 342 million dollars today. That was about the same size of the United States at the time. The U.S. took the offer and doubled their land.
Stephan Long
That area is now known as The Great American Desert.
In 1804 Lewis and Clark explored Kansas. Lewis and Clark were the first Americans to travel to Kansas. They spent 123 miles in Kansas . What they had to say about Kansas was "Great beauty...variety of game...dear seemed plentiful...abundance of wild raspberries." They thought Kansas was a wonderful place that filled with berries and animals.
Jackson's Speech
The western land is uninhabitable for us Americans.
In 1806 Zebulon Pike explored Kansas. Zebulon Pike was the first American to travel to the territory on foot. When Zebulon Pike went through Kansas he thought it was like a desert. He compared Kansas to Africa and was saying that Kansas was very dry. Zebulon was also saying that the land was worthless.
Indian Removal Act
Go live over in that area.
In 1819 Stephan Long explored Kansas. He traveled through Kansas by a steam boat. The way he described Kansas was similar to the way Zebulon Pike explained Kansas. They both thought that Kansas was like a desert because Kansas was so dry. After Stephan Long's discovery Kansas was labeled as The Great American Desert.
In 1829 president Jackson had a speech. His speech was about the land that the United States bought and how it was not habitable for the Americans. He said that he wanted the eastern land of the united states because it was more habitable than the western side.
In 1830 the Indian removal act happened. What happened in the Indian Removal Act was the Americans pushed the American Indians into the western land that the Americans bought. Because of the events like Stephan Long or Jackson's speech the Indian Removal Act happened.