Trying to figure out a way to kill the suitors, Odysseus turns to Telemachus and orders him to collect the suitors weapons and armor and stow them away so that they are undefended.
Telemachus, we will start taking the suitors weapons and armor so that they can't fight back!
After cleverly answering many of her questions, she also asks him about Odysseus to test his honesty.
Of course father, I shall start right away!
Telemachus called out to Eurycleia and asks her to keep the women in their rooms so that he could store his fathers weaponry and she eventually does and the duo start moving weaponry.
Odysseus manages to spin a story of Odysseus to Penelope in such a descriptive manner, that she begins to cry.
Eurycleia, move the women into their rooms so that I can safely store my father's weapons!
My dear woman...
After the duo were done and Telemachus went to bed, Penelope came down and, after some difficulties with Melantho, Penelope starts asking Odysseus questions about himself and about Odysseus.
Grilling him even more, Penelope asks the stranger/Odysseus what her husband looked like in which he describes himself in a way that obviously showed it was Odysseus.
So where are you from? Who are you?
Well, he was...
If you truly did know Odysseus, what was he like?
Why, 20 years has passed but I still remember his heavy wool cape...
If you really knew him, how was he clothed? How was he cut? Who followed him?
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