The Indian Removal Act was a catastrophic event to many indigenous people in the U.S. It occurred in the 1830's. The idea was to expand the land of the U.S. The main people in the Indian Removal act were Andrew Jackson, the U.S government, and the many Native American nations.
Indian Removal Act- The IndianRemoval Act is connected to the theme of expansion because it allows thecolonists to immensely grow the country. The Indian Removal Act impacted the Indigenouspeople’s quest for freedom by ripping their land from them and taking theirfreedom of religion, education, and traditions from them. The Indian RemovalAct impacted the colonists' quest for freedom by allowing them to grow theirnew country even larger than ever because of this new land they had ‘conquered’.
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Abolition always existed in the United Stated, but the opinion that slavery was not okay began to get popular in the 1800's. The main people in Abolition were Frederick Douglas and many others. The purpose of abolition was to stop slavery.
These people deserve freedom! You treat them like animals and that's not fair to them!
Abolition- Abolitionimpacted the enslaved peoples’ quest for freedom by giving them hope that they wouldget freed and eventually get equal rights and well-deserved equality. Abolitionis connected to the theme of expansion because it demonstrates how even thoughslavery financially helped many people in the U.S., many people realized that slaveryis inhumane and unjust to the millions who must endure the terrible consequencesof being enslaved and that our nation can grow and expand with better valuesand human rights. Abolition impacted Women’s quest for freedom because it madethem realize that if these people are getting equal rights, shouldn’t we too? Itcaused their mindset to change.
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Women's rights are human rights, we deserve equal rights as men!
The Seneca Falls was the first large women's rights movement that gained attention of the newspapers. It took place in Seneca Falls, New York. The objective of the convention was to fight for gender equality, religous rights, and voting rights. The main people that attended this convention were Elizabeth Stanton, Frederick Douglas, and Mott.
Women’s Rights Movement- The Women’s Rights Movement is connected to the themeof expansion because it shows how while our ‘great and almighty’ countryexpands, our thoughts and ideas should also expand and grow to where women havethe same rights as men. The Women’s Rights Movement affected women’s quest forfreedom by allowing them to express their thoughts about how they should haveequal rights as men, and they should be free to make choices themselves justlike men do. The Women’s Rights Movement affected men’s quest for freedom bycausing them to open their minds and realize that our country came together tobe free, and now we are only allowing certain people to be free just like thecountry we fled from did.