I've tried so hard to make my lessons engaging while also connecting to the curriculum, but no matter what I do the students seem not interested!
That does seem frustrating! What do you think is going wrong?
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They all have computers, but they only want to play on their computers! They keep using them to play games and goof off. How do you use them as tools and not toys?
Well if you keep in mind the TPACK principles you'll be able to incorporate technology into your teaching in order to make your lessons purposeful and engaging for your students.
Ok... Don't laugh at me, but I've never heard of the Tupac principles...
Mr. J. It's TPACK.
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There are multiple parts to the TPACK principles. They're all interconnected and apply to learning and teaching. The three categories are pedagogy, content and technology.
How am I supposed to use all of those together!?!
Don't be silly Mr. J. It's quite simple! Your content and pedagogy are already connected when you teach every day! It's how you learned to be a productive and efficient teacher!