King Hamlet, the king of Denmark has fallen. Sorrow is going to be filled in the whole kingdom. Especially for his son and his wife. It is tragedy what has happened.
Horatio says were imagining it and won't let himself believe anything about this horrible thing that we've seen twice
Not even two months has passed, as Hamlet states that his father died. Hamlet is grieving with the loss of a great father, but the same can not be told with his mother. His uncle is now his step father and it is too much for Hamlet.
You should know, my noble son, the real snake that stung your father is now wearing his crown
Hamlet is not comfortable in the position he is put in. With his mother moving on too quickly, and with her uncle no less, he wants to leave. But his dear mother asked him to stay in Denmark. Her guilt is too much.
I'll repay you however I can some day. Let's go back to court together, but shh, please.
The three guards told Horatio about the ghost they saw in the courtyard. They decide to tell Hamlet that they saw the ghost of King Hamlet. The father of Hamlet.
Hamlet has figured out why his father is dead. It was murder, the ghost told him that Claudius killed his brother. He poisoned the king for him to rule over and take his wife and kingdom. Now Hamlet is seeking revenge.
MY UNCLE! I knew it !
The truth is out. Now Horatio knows the truth, and the plan is in action. Hamlet is seeking revenge and it all revolves around him acting out and showing the true colors of others.