Exposition: Mahmoud lives in Aleppo, Syria with his family consisting of a younger brother named Waleed, a baby sister named Hana, and his Mom and Dad. The story takes place in 2015, where there is a civil war occurring in his country, forcing him to seek refuge.
Rising action: Mahmoud and his family get in their car to make their way to Germany. They have to abandon their car after it gets shot at so they must walk, take boats, and ride in taxis for the rest of their trip.
I’m scared.
Somebody help!
I’m here to help, stay calm!
Mahmoud and his family are stranded in the Mediterranean Sea after their raft breaks. Mahmoud’s mom gives Hana away to safety, and Mahmoud’s dad and Waleed come get The mom and Mahmoud from the water.
Climax- Mahmoud is sick of listening to orders and living like a prisoner so he walks right past the guards and police and walks right to Austria. Many people follow him including his family.
I’m going to Austria, who’s gonna stop me?
We’re coming!
Falling action- Mahmoud successfully makes it to Austria and is greeted by friendly Austrians who help him and his followers. He and his family then make their way to Germany.
I knew nobody would stop me! Come on everyone!
Welcome to your new home!
Germany, home sweet home
Resolution: Mahmoud and his family safely make it to Germany, where they greet the people they will be staying with, Josef’s sister and her husband.