Who needs to study for it? It's all just basic stuff that anyone with half a brain can figure out. It's test day! Did you guys study?
Honestly, I don’t even know why they bother testing us. I already know everything they're going to ask.
Calculus 3
It's test day! Did you guys study?
Both the students showcase overconfidence. They're excessively confident in their understanding of the material that they didn't bother to study.
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I know you're excited, but remember to look at everything, not just what proves Bigfoot is real.
Mom, I've read so many stories and seen so much evidence proving Bigfoot is real. There's no way he doesn't exist!
The little boy is using confirmation bias: a tendency to seek out and interpret information in a way that confirms our existing beliefs. He actively sought sources that supported and fed his belief in Bigfoot's existence.
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No, I don't have a hammer, but you can use one of these rocks. A rock can also be used to hammer things down
Do you have a hammer? My dad needs it to put some nails on a board.
The boy has functional fixedness: a cognitive bias that limits a person to use an object only in the way it is traditionally used. He was fixated on the idea that you can only hammer things with a hammer and couldn't think of alternatives, such as using a rock.