So there's a problem, Juliet is forced to get maried to Paris and she doesnt want to. ALSO, Romeo has been kicked out of the palace, PERIOD, for his family's foolish behavior. So he's out of Venice and is bRoKee. Mk so fast forward, Juliet and Friar Laurence have set up a plan to fake her death, put her in a tomb, tell Romeo about the plan, and escape so they can live happily ever after. So that plan goes down hill because Laurence gets stuck in quarantine and word gets out to Romeo. He then comes back to Venice to see dead Juliet.
She's dead!!!
On his way, he bought some poison because he thought it would be sOo romantic to die next to a 2 year-old!! But he didnt know that she was alive. So, he oofed himself next to his lover. Juliet wakes up and sees Romeo dead, with a poison bottle in his hand. She, a 2 year-old, grabs a dagger and kills herself. ~Dang, double homicide~
Friar Laurence admitted the plan to both the Montagues and Capulets; and the Prince. They are all saddened about their children's death because of their fighting. The Montagues will build a gold statue of Juliet in her honor. Prince will then decide who gets punished, etc. ~ThE eNd~
Welp...that'll do it!!
But honestly, this had me spinning. From the 23 year-old dating a 2 year old, and the family fights, just crazy.But it is what is it, glad I could explain! ByEee