Katniss Everdeen is sixteen and her sister is twelve. Prim is terrified about possibly getting picked in the reaping.
I'm Katniss, that's my sister Prim. This year, Prim's name will be in the reaping where 24 kids fight to the death. Her name is one in thousands, she couldn't get picked.
What if I do get picked?
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Prim is chosen as the tribute from District 12. She would be one of the youngest there and has no chance of surviving. Luckily, Katniss is a great hunter and has a prowess with a bow and arrow. It gives her a better chance of winning. Peeta Mellark is chosen as the male tribute from District 12.
Primrose Everdeen is District 12's female tribute!
I volunteer! I will take her place as tribute!
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The winners of the 74th Hunger Games... Katniss Everdeen Peeta Mellark
For long weeks of faking their love for one another, Peeta and Katniss came together to win the Hunger Games. Many brutal and sad ends happened to allies of theirs. Typically, there is only one winner but this year was an exception. Now Katniss can go home back to her family, but she has to fake being in love with Peeta.