'Freak' from preschool moves into a duplex right beside Max Kane.
Hey you, Doofus! Yeah, you with the hairy face, take it easy with that box. That box contains a computer, you know what a computer is?
Gwen, can you control your kid??
Oh, It talks
Freak gets his bird stuck in a tree, but Max gets it back for him. Freak's a bit surprised that Max can talk though.
You want this back or not?
Freak and Max soon become friends, and start hanging out together.
I can lend you some of my books if you want.
Get them!
Help us!!
Tony D. gets mad at Max and Freak after some fireworks, and Tony D. starts pelting them with rocks.
Max and Freak return a purse to someone named Loretta, but she seems to know them...
They look really familiar...
A boy who doesn’t know his own father might bedumb enough to run away. We can’t have that, can we?
Killer Kane (Max's dad) gets out of jail and kidnaps him. They go to this rundown old lady's apartment.
No sir.
“I know you killed her! I saw you! I saw youdo it! You killed her and I’ll never forget, not ever!”
Killer Kane and Max moved to a different rundown apartment because of the cops, then Killer Kane starts strangling Loretta. But,Max distracts him by talking about he knew his dad killed his mom.
Freak the Mighty strikes again!!
Freak sprayed some 'sulphuric acid' in Killer Kane's eyes, while Max and Freak ran away. The cops then showed up along with Grim, Gram and Gwen.
I told you to stay in that car, didn’t I? Didn’t I?
What's wrong?! Is Freak okay????
Unfortunately, Freak's brain became too big for his body and he passed away.
Freak said to write a book about all our adventures. Well, here it is. The ending, at least.
By the time we got here, which I guess should be the end, I'm feeling okay about remembering things. And now that I've written a book, who knows, I might even read a few. No big deal.
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