Looks like I need to meet my psychiatrist again. Hope that this helps with my Bipolar Disorder.
The mood tracking app is not helping me, and I am also reacting to trivial issues either more angrily or cry a lot. I really need a more personal, holistic treatment.
I would really need a new treatment for my Bipolar.
But first, David, tell me about your experience with the mood tracking app.
David, do you have any recent photos where you have exhibited your emotions heavily ?
Yes, Dr. Rodriguez. Here it is !!
David, you will be using a new mood tracking app integrated with VR technology. It tailors real situations that make you elicit an adverse emotional reaction. The best thing with this technology is that you can interact with your peers real time!!!!
Guys, I am really sorry for reacting angrily when you merely advised me to be calm, which was for my own good.
Thank you so much for your understanding guys!!! It really means a lot to me
Yeah, don't worry David. We didn't take it wrongly at all.
That's not a problem at all, David. I know that you are undertaking treatment and it's common to experience such symptoms
It was incredible! I felt like I was a new person. I was calmer, less emotional and happier during the past few days. I'm now able to behave like a normal person. Thank you so much Dr. Rodriguez.