Well there goes the bell. Please review this information ! Ya'll are all dismissed, Have a good rest of your day !!
1. Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA)2. The Federal Campaign Act (FECA)3. Buckley V. Valeo
Now last, but not least. Let's talk about the Buckley V. Valeo case. This case addressed the constitutionality of certain provisions of the FECA. The Supreme Court removed the limits on campaign expenditures, ruling that they violated the FIrst amendment's protection of free speech. The decision on this Supreme Court case had a significant impact on American campaign finance law, and it has been seen in various cases involving campaign finance regulations.
1. Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA)2. The Federal Campaign Act (FECA)3. Buckley V. Valeo
Now lets talk about The Federal Campaign Act (FECA). This act was passed to put strict rules for campaign contributions and expenditures. This Act has many new requirements targeted at campaign finances. One of the requirements is "Limits were placed on how much an individual could contribute to a candidate."
1. Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA)2. The Federal Campaign Act (FECA)3. Buckley V. Valeo