My mom yelled at me earlier for getting a bad grade on my test
A friendship including 2 girls is more likely to focus on support and emotions through being vulnerable
I love you !
Amelia and her good friend Emma talk about their feelings and confide in each other
Awe I'm sorry girl. You're not defined by your grades. You're the sweetest person I've ever met. You wanna go get ice cream? It'll make you feel better
Man I'm letting you win
Chad and Brad bond by doing their favorite activities with each other.
Two males in a friendship tend to bond through shared activities, friendly competition and joking.
Haha you suck dude, I took the ball right out of your hands
Cross gender friendships can help one gender better understand the other. Girls often report they rely on their friendship with men when they want to do activities and men rely on women when they want emotional support
Yeah, me and Emma talked about how annoying my mom is and she made me feel better
How's your grandpa?
Thats sick, me and Brad played the best game of basketball, hes so chill