Yes you are right.Lets talk about Indus Valley Civilization.
Hello Tom,Do you know where we are ????
Yes I do know where we are ,We are In the Indus Valley Civilization!
The Indus Valley Civilization is also known as Harrapan Civilization because its first site discovered was at Harappa.Indus Valley Civilization is a bronze age civilization. Some important cities of Harappan Civilization are Chanhudaro,Kalibangan,Banawali and Lothal.The Indus Valley Civilization town planning was impressive.Some important places in the town planning was the citadel,grid system and drainage system. Important buildings of Indus Valley civilization are The Great Bath at Mohenjo-Daro.Brick Dockyard in Lothal.
The Indus Valley Civilization practises many religions.They also have many talents/profession lik eanimal husbandary,ornament making,figurines,bead making,seals,teracotta figurines cloth weaving,pottery making, farming and etc.But at 1750 bce they began to decline it has not been solved till this date.That is it about the whole Indus Valley Civilization.