The chat restarted but now in order and in a calm way, were everyone was taking turns and participating peacefully
I´m first, I have always liked to fly to the sky and have beautiful views with my pals I just have colorful feathers to call the attention of the female
Hey me too, I get very red when I am shy, but I think that´s okay, I also enjoy having flights with my pals
The more they talk, they more they notice that they had a lot of things in common
See!, we are not different at all, we have common goals and likes, there is no need to fight
Yeah, I can start seeing that
Ok, um, I just enjoy to make new friends and run and eat as much as I can, seeds are delicous
Chicken , you are next
Seeds? You need to try worms, thare are an excellent source of protein. but anyways i love to eat too.
I will definetely try them,but I am still sad that I can not fly with you guys
Even chicken notice that he fits in the group
No worries chicken, I do not like to fly at all, we can do races anytime you want
Absolutely, we can even get together to play hide and seek if you want
We are all great!
Excellent job kids, that is just an example of what we can do being together, and I bet that is better than eating, playing or singing alone don´t you think so?
You were right peackock, we are actually the same, we only are different in color and shape, but now I understando what you ment.