Ian has recently lost his twin brother James. He is growing increasingly depressed and is struggling to cope with his loss.
I really miss him. Nothing would ever be the same without him.
I'm worry about Ian , he hasn't been the same since James passed away.
Ian friends are worried about him, but he feels unable to open up about his feelings, because he doesn't want people to know how much he is struggling.
Me too! He stop talking to everyone including us and he doesn't go out of his house, just for class.
Ian's classmate Taylor tells him about how therapy help her cope with the loss of her mom. Ian is hesitant ,but Taylor end up convincing him.
Maybe you could give it a try, it may help.
When I lost my mother I found myself helpless and didn't want to do anything. Therapy was the place that help me get all this emotions out of my chest and feel better little by little.
It is normal to feel what you are feeling. He was your twin, your best friend. Time is the only thing that will help you heal.I'm here for you, whenever you need to talk.