Hey Maria! Nice to meet you! I'm your peer buddy and I'm going to teach you about the scientific method!
WOW! That sounds interesting!
Alright, so the scientific method has 7 steps, ask a question, do background research, construct a hypothesis, testing the hyposthesis with an experiment, analyze data, drawing conclusions communication results.
It is! The scientific method is used by scientists to answer scientific questions and find out more about the world.
To start with, you ask a question which you'd like to investigate. After that, you research a little bit on that question so that you know a little bit about it. Then comes one of the most important parts of the investigation, forming a hypothesis. A hypothesis is an educated guess of what the outcome of the experiment will be. You with me so far?
Good! Then we test the hypothesis using an experiment. We bring all the necessary apparatus and materials. Then we conduct the experiment, using appropriate safety measures. After the experiment is complete, you analyze the data you got from the experiment and conclude your experiment. Similarly to how you wrote a hypothesis in the start, you write a conclusion in the end and compare it with you hypothesis in the start and see if the hypothesis was correct.
No! Thank you so much for telling me about this! See you next class!
You're welcome! See you!
In the end, you communicate your results to others and officiallyend the experiment! That's it for today, any questions!