Hello everyone, today we are going to learn types of bones.
OK sir
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Long bones
Long bones are hard, dense bones that provide strength, structure, and mobility.The thigh bone (femur)is a long bone. A long bone has a shaft and two ends. ... Long bones contain yellow bone marrow and red bone marrow, which produce blood cells.
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Classification of bones
There are 5 types of bones they are :
Long bonesShort bonesFlat bonesIrregular bones
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Short bones
Short bones include thecarpal bones of the handsthat allow movement of the wrist, and the tarsal bones of the feet that allow movement of the ankle. Short bones are shaped roughly as a cube and contain mostly spongy bone. The outside surface is comprised of a thin layer of compact bone.
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Irregular bones
Irregular bones arevary in shape and structure and therefore do not fit into any othercategory (flat, short, long, or sesamoid). They often have a fairly complex shape, which helps protect internal organs. For example, the vertebrae, irregular bones of the vertebral column, protect the spinal cord.
Hope you children learnt about types of bones.
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Flat bones
The flat bones are: theoccipital, parietal, frontal, nasal, lacrimal, vomer, hip bone (coxal bone), sternum, ribs, and scapulae. These bones are composed of two thin layers of compact bone enclosing between them a variable quantity of cancellous bone, which is the location of red bone marrow.