Storyboard Description
This comic strip is a caricature of my failure in the past to embrace the moral rights and wrongs that God informed us of, which can be found in the 10 Commandments, as well as the Beatitudes. As a result, my relationship with God weakened, as I perceived following what He wanted me to do as a chore and a task. But now, I've learned that what God wants us to truly be is human, so He's giving us the best word of advice to reach the closest and truest versions of ourselves. I understand that God isn't trying to "boss" us around, or control our lives, but rather advise us on how to become the purest and best versions of ourselves, which is by living in the image of God. In the comic strip, the red-haired teenager is shown hating to follow the 10 Commandments, which correlates to my life of how I didn't want to live in what I thought was God's strict and annoying rules, but what was truly His guide for us to live in His image. I'm glad throughout my experience with religion in life, I am able to embrace God's will, and as a result of this achievement, I retained my once lost relationship with Him.