You will sign the Magna Carta and give all of the people EQUAL RIGHTS. Not even you will be above this, King John.
Salutary Neglect (1607)-
Thank you for the notice, we'll continue to do our best. Our profits will surely grow, and so will the American citizens.
You are free to do as you please. The British won't interfere with your shipments, and will leave you alone.
Navigation Act (1651)-
Britain's Trading Route
With this, we'll be able to become more profitable and less dependent on other countries.
The Magna Carta established rights for the people of New Enland. Everyone was equal in liberties and in rights, no one was above one another. The Magna Carta was signed by King John of England himself, and not even the King of England was above Europe's first constitution. Everyone demanded liberty for themselves, their people, and their motherland, so controversy and tension rose between evryone. Thus a beginning to lead to the Revolution.
Enlightment (17-18th Century)
The science we once believed was wrong. We must open our eyes to the evidence.
With this we can expand our knowledge, and become more understanding with ourselves, as well as our freedom.
Salutary Neglect was used to described England's actions over America's Colonies. The English would use this method to profit and in doing so, trade laws and supervision would be ignored also not being enforced on the American Colonies. This was also a start to the Revolution because during all this time of neglect and lack of enforcement, America had become so use to governing themselves, that self-control was preffered over being controlled.
Bill of Rights (1689)-
There has now been a change in our ways of life, from now and forevermore. We will live with equality in rights, and the same civil rights.
The Navigation Act was used to promote England's profits, and help them become more effiect without the help of foreign goods. English ships traded with other countries, and became less dependent. However, the Navigation Acts were only allowing certain countries to trade with British Colonies. This was very unfair to many countries and even Great Britain's colonies. Anger and rage rose, and this put the British closer to the Revolutionary War.
Sugar Act ()-
Sugar Act (1764)-
The Enlgihtment Era was a time where superstition was overcome by supported reason, and science wasn't just blind faith anymore. Science flourished during this time and was backed up by realistic evidence, and proving once believed myths to remain a myth. Although, this was an amazing discorvery, and breakthrough in knowledge, it also made an impact on America's freedom and equality. This set a perfect time for the Revolutionary War to occur.
The Bill of Rights was the first Ten Amendments in the United States Constitution allowing citizens of the U.S. to have civil rights. Once, the Bill of Rights was passed it made citizens of the U.S. feel frustrated due to constant taxes (from Britain). Everyone felt agitated and uncertainty, knowing that conflict was bound to happen.
The British passed an act declaring sugar's price be higher, decreasing the price on molasses, and enforcing smuggling laws. This would rise Great Britain's revenue, but in doing so, the Sugar Act also made many very angry. No taxation without representation, and so far, there was no representation presented to the Americans. This would eventually lead to the people of the U.S. wanting indepndence from Britain, and the Revolutiona War.