I could create a way to balance the wages in the industry
May 12, 1952
Sometime in 1950...
If these Steel workers go on strike we are never going to have the materials for this war in Korea!
April 4, 1952
Equal Pay!
"American fighting men and fighting men of the united nations are now engaged in deadly combat with the forces of aggression in Korea, and that the materials needed for the war effort are produced to a great extent in this country, and steel is an indispensable component of substantially all of such weapons and material."
The President cannot seize property without getting the green light from congress!
The President needs those men working in the mills to keep working or we won't have enough resources!
"When the President takes measures incompatible with the expressed or implied will of Congress, his power is at its lowest ebb."
You cannot abuse your power to do what you see as right without congress's approval