The symbol "beneatha's hair" first appeared in act ll scene l, and she felt her style was off, meaning she was struggling with her identity and did't know how to express her self and who she is as a person.She decided to straighten her hair.She got commented on it by Asagai she felt she needed a different change. mid way through the play she chopped her air into a little afro to honor herself, where she came from, and heritage.
When it comes to symbolizing money in this story money wasn't a huge thing for most of the characters but it was a big part to there futures and dreams.Everyone wanted money for something so they can accomplished what they wanted Momma wanted better for her family, Beneaths wanted to go to collage , and Walter wanted a better house plus to increase his business. But they all wanted better lives. Money would help them live life more relaxed and at peace.
Symbolizing dreams in this story represents the future they wished to have and when it comes to dreams they all had them. They were all different but they all wanted better for their family. This symbol somewhat connects with their hope for money. Their dreams wasn't all about money but to have something to look forward to and for some to find who their are or who they want to be.