Jay is a college freshman living an ordinary life with his family. His family is neither rich nor poor just normal. He has a talent in performing. And he wants to give his family a better life by auditioning to different companies.
Mentor Helper
While at school, he received a message that he passed the audition and invited him to be a trainee at S. Entertainment.
Crossing the Threshold
He is happy at the same time shocked that he got a reply from the company because it is one of the biggest entertainment companies in the country. He's having second thoughts on accepting the invitation because he lacks confidence and thinks that his skills weren't really that enough to be in the company.  And he will be far away with his family.
His parents saw him feeling down. They talk to him and guide him on his decisions. They told him that no matter what he pursues, they will always support him.
He comes to a decision to accept the invitation. He will pursue his dream to become an idol even if there is no assurance that he will make it till the end of the training.
On his trainings, lots of test and challenges he is facing. There are singing, dancing and rapping trainings. He is having difficulties in singing. But his co-trainees turned friends always encourage and boost his morale through difficult times.