Hello Amanda ! I would love to do see you. I will be right there.
Thanks for coming in such a short notice. Lets go to my room and talk there.
Your room looks fairly organized Amanda.
In Amanda's room
Thanks for saying that , unlike my parents who are constantly nagging me to do this or do that. I'm so fed up of my life.
Have you tried talking to them and explaining how you feel?
Hmm. I would rather live in my own sweet imaginary world than talk to them. Its so blissful to be a mermaid in the sea. Oh, how I wish I as an orphan!
Don't ever say that, If you are feeling too stressed lately try writing your feelings in a diary. Trust me it helps but don't be gloomy all day .Look here I got a present!
Wow! I will surely try to maintain this dairy and treat it like a friend just the way you treat Kitty.
Haha I'm glad I could help you, Amanda! Now I should get back home before it gets late we will surely meet each other soon.
I will come down with you Thanks a lot for coming today and making my day ten times better. See you soon!