This story starts off with a married couple Patrick and Mary Moloney. Patrick comes home from work and asks his wife to sit with him in their living room.
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Mary joins her husband in the living room. Unfortunately, he tells her that he wants a divorce. This has come as a complete surprise to her and she doesn't know how to respond. He tells her that she will be well taken care of and he will give her some money.
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Mary is still in shock, but pretended it never happened. she decides it's time to start making supper. She walked down to the cellar and grabbed the first thing her hands met in the meat freezer... a leg of lamb.
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Bam! Mary Moloney hits Patrick over the head with the frozen leg of lamb. He wobbles there for a few seconds and then hits the floor. Mary is shocked and doesn't know what to do.
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Mary goes to her bathroom and freshens up before she decides to go to the market to get some vegetables to go with the lamb. She rehearses her voice to make sure it sounds normal and puts the lamb in the oven before walking out the door. She sees her friend Sam at the market, and ends up getting carrots and peas for supper.
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Mary is surprised when she comes home to see her husband laying on the floor. She sets her groceries down and call the police.
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The police arrive at the Moloneys' house. They ask Mary some questions and she says she just went to the market and she came home and found him on the floor like that. They acessed the scene and after they took his body away on a stretcher they were ready to leave.
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Mary politely asks the officers to eat dinner with her and says she cannot eat all this food by herself. The officers agree to stay and she brings the food out to the dining room. She is giggling in the other room as they eat the murder weapon. The end!!