I agree with you should make slaves free and let them have freedom.
I think that slaves should be free and i think slavery should be only where it came from.I also think slavery is wrong so i'm gonna make a law that says all enslaved people will be free this law will be called the emancipation proclamation.
I agree slaves should be free.
i think slaves should not be free because it gives us free labor.and because slaves helps us get cotton,rice,corn and other resources this is why i think slaves should be spread around the world.
i think that we shouldn't have slavery because increases total human unhappiness.The slave-owner treats the slaves as the means to achieve the slave-owner's ends, not as an end in themselves.Slavery exploits and degrades human beings.
i think that we should keep slaves because Slavery played a crucial role in the development of the modern world economy. Slaves provided the labor power necessary to settle and develop the New World. Slaves also produced the products for the first mass consumer markets: sugar,