And so, God said the Jews were his chosen people and because they are His people, they will always be okay.
Hmm... Why does God only like Jews? Shouldn't God like all every person, shouldn't everyone be His people?
Emmika, we're israeli! Ima and I are both Jewish, our parents are jewish, your whole family is jewish!
But around age 15, as she learned more, she realized she's more against religion as an institution, not just Judaism. And with that, felt weird considering herself still Jewish.
Judaism is one of those weird things where its a religion and an ethnicity. So ethnically, you will always be Jewish
Yeah, I know that. But isn't religion something you choose?
Ima, Abba, why am I Jewish?
That makes no sense.
I'm DEFINITELY an atheist
Do I even believe in God? why do Jews think they're better than everyone and that THEY are the chosen people?
Emmi went on with her life, content calling herself a reformist jew who is more atheist.
She even had a bat mitzvah when she was 13!She hated all the religious aspects of it though.
She constantly struggled with the interconnection of her Israeliness and her Jewishness
Family, I have an announcement! I am renouncing my Judaism, and I consider myself anti-religion. I recognize my Israeli culture and Jewish heritage, but this is how I identify now.