As Eddie steps on a broken branch, making a snapping sound. Teddy turns around with red flaming eyes looking face to face at his friends.
The Sling Shot
Kill it!
Out of nowhere, six to seven vine tentacles with a mouth full of sharp teeth came out of the meteorite.
The Rescue
Let go of my friend!
After Harry throws the last firework, a vine latched around Ben's leg causing him to fall.
True Friends
Thanks for saving me also!
Thanks Teddy, it's good to have you back.
Eddie launches a rock from his sling shot towards the meteorite, as another vine latches around Ben's neck causing him to choke.
It's choking me!
Die sucker! Die!
As Ben is gasping for air, with two vines wrapped around his neck, Teddy grabs the bat from the ground and begins beating the vine that attached to Ben.
Someone help Ben!
Harry throws the last fireworks right inside the crack of the meteorite, causing the rest of the vines to explode. As the guys are walking away together, a vine like fungus comes oozing out of the remains of the meteorite. To Be Continued...