This was the Union's first attempt to end the Confederacy. This was near the Confederacy's capital which was Richmond. About 30,000 troops of Union Soldiers gathered there, as did many spectators. They actually brang picnic blankets to watch the first-ever battle. Even though the Union was expecting victory, the Confederate's surprised them with a rebel yell, led by Stonewall Jackson. The Union fell apart and the Confederacy had won the first battle.
The second battle of the Civil War is called The Battle of Seven Days. Because of McDowell's loss in Bull Run, Lincoln replaced him with George McClellan. Lincoln wanted to strike the Confederacy, and he ordered McClellan to do so. However He decided to wait, and train, so Lincoln became frustrated with him and ordered him to March to Richmond. McClellan waited for reinforcements, so General Lee beat him in a series of battles. The Union soldiers had retreated back to Washington.
The Battle of Ironclads consisted of 2 ships made completely out of Iron. The Merrimack was an abandoned warship that the Confederate soldiers had covered in Iron. The Monitor was the Union's ship made completely of iron.The two sides fired off cannonballs at each other for a few hours, which bounced uselessly off the ships. Eventually, both sides gave up and sailed away.