Do you know the engineering process? Let me tell you about it. The engineering process is used by engineers (people who design solutions to help solve practical problems). Engineers create solutions to problems after they identify needs of Who, What, Why. Read on to find out about the steps engineers follow...
Remember don't waste time, money, or resources. Make sure your problem is real. Be aware of any constrains such as money and time.
The first step is ASK. What is the problem?'
The second step is...IMAGINE. What are ways to solve the problem?
Have people tried other ways? Remember to survey people. Search online to see what else is out there.
Brainstorm solutions.Be creative.Keep an open mind.Think about any constrains.
The third step is PLAN.
The fourth step is CREATE.
Make a working model known as a prototype. Test it to find out if it works. Are there any flaws?
The fifth step is IMPROVE. Did it work?Do we need to to make adjustments?
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