Characters: Gilgamesh, Enkidu, Hunters,, Prostate.Settings: In the steppe, The market, Gilgamesh house.
Enkido was caught freeing a hunters animal and the hunter sent someone to ask the king, Gilgamesh, to send a prostitute and he said yes. The prostitute seduced Enkidu and took him to a Shepard's house and groomed him and took him to Uruk where the people saw Enkiu as Gilgamesh's equal.
In the dark forrestSection 2
Characters:Gilgamesh,Enkidu, elders, Ninsun, People of Urik.Settings: The dark forest, Urik, The market in Urik.
Enkidu and Gilgamesh fought in the market and became good friends after neither could win. Some time passes and they are best friends and decide to try and take on Humbaba but Enkidu isn't very sure about it. The elders gave them their blessing to try and Gilgamesh keeps telling Enkidu to not be scared.
Characters: Enkidu, Ishtar, Bull of heaven, Humbaba, Gilgamesh, Anu, Shamash.Settings: Urik, Heaven, Dark forrest.
Bull of heaven
Streets of urikSection 3
Descriction: Enkidu almost died fighting Humbaba but ended up surviving. Ishtar came to see Gilgamesh after he slayed Humbaba to ask him if he would be her boyfriend. She was rejected and got mad and sent the bull of heaven to kill them but Enkidu killed the bull. After killing the bull he cut off the thigh and threw it as Ishtar.
Characters: Samash, Ishtar, Anu, Ninsun, The Elders, Sin, Preist, statics, Gilgamesh, Enkidu.Settings: Mountain, Urik, Underworld, Desert.
UrikSection 4
Description: Enkidu curses the god because they torture humans when they get drunk and have made him very sick. Enkidu talks to Shamash and he says that if he never became human he would not be dying right now. Enkidu dies and Gilgamesh goes on a journey through the desert and up the mountain to get to the underworld to get him back.
Very sick Enkidu
Characters: Urshanabi, Siduri, Gilgamesh, Utnapishtim.Settings: Underworld, Bar in the under world, Vally, Sea of death.
Bars maid
Bar in the under worldSection 5
Gilgamesh walked through the darkness of the underworld and eventually got to a part of the underworld that was bright and beautiful. While there he found a bar and talked to a bars maid about how to find Utnapishtim. While doing this she tries to seduce him but is not successful so he leaves and go to Utnapishtim (the boat man)
Description: Crossed the sea of death and talked to Utnapishtim about why he was sad and Utnapishtim tells him about his grief with the flood. Utnapishtim thinks that Gilgamesh should not be trying to seek immortal life.