Maus recounts Vladek Spiegelman's esperience surviving the Holocaust and provides insight into his relationship with his son.
Maus is literutre.
WOW! Maus sounds like literature to me!
Maus emphasizes the theme of hope and resilience of the human sprirt
Throughout the novel, Vladek and his wife , Anja, battle oppression and fight to surive the holocaust. the horrors they face case anja to doubt that surviving is truly worth enduring all of the pain she experiences.
Vladek counsels her, statinhg to die, its easy.. but you have to struggle for life! until the last moment we must struggle together! i need you ! and youll see that together well survive
Even though Anja is tempter to surrender, Vladek encourages her to keep fighting for her life and is adaant that as long as they are together, life will eventally get better
Now youre getting it ! thats not all either, Maus contains server literary devices that add to our understanding of the story, The most notable dviese is probaly the extended metaphor comparing differnt ethic groups to differnt animals
oh, i see! Vladek and Anja's decisions to continue to struggle for life reinforces theme of hopespirt!