Ceasar leads an invasion to Gaul and that leads to a civil war and Pompey and the senates tell Ceasar to give up his army.
Scene:Ceasar introduces new forms of jobs.
Pompwy and the senate refused Ceasar from entering Italy.Ceasar disobeyed and on On January 11, 49 B.C.E, He crossed the rubicon river with his army after three years of gruesome fighting Julius Ceasar Defeated Pompey.
Scene:Ceasar grants citizenship to citizens of rome colonies.
the Senate names Ceasar as dictator for life and the Roman Republic comes to an end.
Scene:Ceaser is assasinated
Ceasar created many new jobs for the citizens of Rome by making new roads, buildings,and ampitheatres.He even kept the poor happy.He made gladiator contests that people could watch for free
Ceasar had many plans.He granted Roman citizenship for Roman colonies.He had a futuristic plan for Rome he even introduced coins for money transactions.
On March15,44 B.C.E, a group of Ceasar's enemies stabbed Ceasar 23 times and killed him while he was on his way to the senate.Ceasars replacement was an emperor.