Me too ma'am! In endochondral, a cartilage is formed first and the bone is laid down on it while in intramembranous, bone is directly formed on a mesenchyme
- Replacement of fetal cartilageskeletonwith bone-Takes a longer time to formabone-Stops at year two-Indirect bone growth
- Replacement of thin connective tissue membrane (hyaline cartilage) with bone-Takes less to form a bone-Stops at year 18 in females, and 21 in males-Direct bone growth
We will stop here and continue next meeting. Now, I will give you an assignment. Draw and label the steps of endrochondral and intramembranous ossification. That will be all. Good bye and see you next meeting!
Okay, class. So, written on the board are the other differences between the two processes of bone formation