"Slowly carefully, Herb lowered the box to the ground. His mice were restless, as if they could sense what was in store for them. One by one, Herb lifted his friends out of the box and set them in the grass" (Downing 184).
"Things are different now, but different doesn't always have to be bad. At least, not all the time. She's not here, but that doesn't mean she's gone" (Downing 183).
"I'm going to miss you, Herb whispered softly to his mice" (Downing 184).
"We've been wasting all this energy trying to get a stupid food truck up and running, but isn't it more important that our family work first" (Downing 194)?.
"No! Lucy growled. This is your experiment, your adventure, and you're the parent so it's your job to fix it if something's not working. I can't do everything. You want to pretend that this food truck is going to fix us and make everything go back to the way it used to be (Downing 193-194)?.
Their dad rents a food truck using their mom's money that she left when she passed away. Their dad plans on selling food and driving across the country during the summer with the family. He also says that at the end of their traveling they are going to sign up for a food truck festival in Ohio with a 10,000 prize.
"This summer the Peaches are going to set out to explore the country" (Downing 4)!