It is the 27th of June on a clear sunny day and a small village with only 300 people begin to gather for their annual lottery. While getting ready the kids start to collect piles of stones while also playing with each other. As the time gets closer all the families meet together and wait for Mr. Summers, who's in charge, to get the box set up.
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Mr. Summers asked for a hand with the box, although others hesitated Mr. Martin and his oldest son volunteered to come up and hold the box steady while Mr. Summers stirred up the papers inside.
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After singing the “tuneless” chant, just as they were going to start Mrs. Hutchinson came running in because she forgot what day it was. Then a few minutes later Mr. Summers started to read the family heads and had the men come up to draw a slip. After all the men chose and they looked at there slip it was Bill Hutchinson, once Tessie found out she started screaming that it wasn't fair and that he didn't give him time to pick the one he wanted. Then the entire Hutchinson family, BIll, Tessie, Jr., Nancy, and little Davey, are called up to the box. Mr. Summers puts five slips into the box including Bills and they all pick.
This chant is tune-less
What! This is not fair, he didn't give him a chance to pick!