How are you doing? yeah of course, but occasionally. why are you mentioning this now?
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I'm not sure, I just feel like I need to chat right now.
Oh aight, u doing good? you said u feelin' tired? what do you mean?
I mean, I don't feel lazy, but all I want to do is sit in front of my phone and spend time with you all.
Oh, how many other people do you know that share this sentiment? Hold on, I'll research it and see what other people say. I kind of feel the same way.
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That means that "emotionally drained" describes the weariness that comes from work and stress. Do you have that feeling?
Yea, that's like spot on except more school than work..
In any case, if it's becoming worse, go to your parents and ask if you may take a break. You get what I'm saying?
hays.. my parents, who place a high importance on my education, would never allow me to take a break.
That is precisely what I mean when I say that you are under a lot of stress. Before it gets to the point where you lose it and start acting out, you should let them know that you have a lot on your plate and that you need some time away to look after your mental health.
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Indeed, you are correct; I should speak with them. I believe they are placing too much pressure and stress on me.
Yes, I believe you should; it appears that this is a common occurrence, and you are not alone.
How are you doing? such as Is your health in excellent shape?
Yes, I just needed to talk about it. I'm feeling "emotionally tired," as it says.
Yeah definitely have a talk with them.
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Alright, I will, anyhow, my parents are messaging me to come home, so I'm going. cyj.
Alright, be safe.
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That's why it's so important to monitor how your friends are doing. Because it can be challenging at times, everyone should check in on others, not just friends.