Exodus 12.21-28 - The First PassoverGod would kill the firstborn in Egypt with the final plague. To be saved, you have to put the blood of a lamb on your door. The Pharaoh lost his son and let the people go.
Exodus 14.14-30 - Crossing the Red SeaMoses parts the Red Sea to lead the Israelites to freedom and Pharaoh changes his mind and goes after them.
Make us a God!
Exodus 19. 1-19 - The Israelites at Mt.SinaiThe Israelites camped at Mount Sinai wishing they stayed in Egypt because they're hungry and thirsty. God calls Moses to the top of the mountain.
Keep the Sabbath Day holy!
Exodus 20.1-17 - The Ten CommandmentsGod gave Moses many rules to help His people live by. He wrote these rules on stone which we call The 10 Commandments
Exodus 24.1-11 - The Covenant is Sealed The Israelites agree to follow God's Covenant but later break it by idolizing the golden calf. God forgives them and renews the Covenant because Moses interceded.
Exodus 31.12-18 - Sabbath Day of RestGod told the Israelites that they must keep the Sabbath Day holy because it is a sign of covenant between God and Israel from generation-to-generation.