Young Man wipes his hands on his pants, puts his hands in his pockets and then pulls his hands out of his pocket to receive waders and then the orange vest - CU, Waist Up, Static, 35mm Lens, Shallow Focus
Shot 3E
Shot 3B
Young Man middle of frame, shed in bg, Delroy steps into frame foreground hands waders to YM and then the orange vest worker also in orange vest in Background tossing garbage bags - MLS, Waist up, Static, 28mm, Deep Focus
Shot 3F
Shot 3C
Delroy - MFS, Slight High Angle/Cowboy shot, Static, Deep Focus, 35mm
Shot 3G
Shot 3D
Delroy walks past Young Man to grab a shovel, DelRoy in background / young man in foreground - delroy walks up and spins him around - MFS, 2-shot / Profile slightly below eye level, Static, Deep Focus, 28mm
Shot H
Hand grabbing shovel - MCU, Hip Level, Static, Shallow Focus, 35mm
Shot I
Young man squinting up at the sun (sun is bothering him) - MCU, Slightly low angle, Static, Shallow Focus, 35mm
Shot 3J
Young Man and Delroy, observed by the girlfriend - MWS, Girlfriend's POVEye Level Two shot, Tracking, Deep Focus, 50 mm from far away
Shot 3K
Young Man looking past Delroy - MCU, Eye-level, Static, Deep Focus, 28mm