Hi, Thandokuhle. I have had many experiences that i enjoyed and benefited greatly from them. This is because i was learning different skills in LES.
These skills included critical thinking and writing skills. The journey was awesome because of the discussions we had in class also documentaries that we watched.
Hey, Kopano. What are you doing here? It is my period. Lets go to class. Tell me , what is your learning experience?
I learned about critical thinking and writing skills which are processes of analysing information which involves skills and attitudes. This helped me identify the obvious and hidden messages more accurately
I also learned about the analysing of the documents. This is where i applied my critical thinking as i was analysing a document called Black Gold .
Okay, that is great. What did you learn ?
I will use critical thinking and writing skills in other modules such as EBE(B) where i will analyse the information on the case studies which will help me identify the obvious and the hidden messages accurately.
I will also apply it in MAPS where i will gather the literature sources then analyse the information as this will help me identify the gap in literature for the wiki demo project.
I am excited to hear that. Lastly, how will you use what you have learnt?