The King and Quenn of France during the 1800's were not the best at leading their country to success. This is because of the unfairness of taxation and because of the unfair voting. This was the cause of the French Revolution.
Tennis Court Oath and the Creation of the National Assembly
Are we really doing this?
We aren't moving until we get a constitution!
Because of the unfair rules and laws, the people rebelled and stormed the Bastille which is a medival looking prison where people were tortured and killed. The 3rd Estate cut off guards heads and destroyed the Bastille. This lead to the Woman's March for Bread.
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
Since the 3rd Estate rebelled the King and Queen retalliated and tookaway the bread from the 3rd Estate. Since the women needed the bread for cooking and eating the woman got mad and marched over to the 1st Esates palace and protested.
Execution of King Louis XVI
The King deserves this...
About Time!
The 3rd Estate thought the King was after them so they hid in a Tennis Court and declared that they wouldn't move from this room until they got a constitution.
Because of the events that have led up to this point ecpaically the Tennis Court Oath, they officially made a constitution called the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen.
Since King Louis was scared of the people and the constitution they made him and his wife Marie tried to leave France but got caught and sent to prison. After this the people wanted justice so they made a machine called the Guillotine and beheaded King Louis XVI with it.