Hey, anyone want to go to the new art exhibit to get a head start for...?
Hey who's going to the football game tonight?
I am! Can't wait to see those bulldogs finally defeated!
No matter how hard she tried, Alexi never could find anything in common with the people around her
Even when she had a job, the small town she lived and worked in was full of people with their own way of life
Alexi preferred solitude over constantly feeling out of place and different
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She couldn't wait to start classes at the University of Arkansas
One day, she saw a book club meeting led by her classmate, Lynnie. Alexi wanted to join them but hesitated.
Hi, Janae!
Hey, Lynnie!
She hoped she would finally make friends who had the same interests
Lynnie had seen Alexi walk by their meeting so she invited Alexi the next time she saw her. She told Alexi the club members wanted to get to know her
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Just when Alexi felt comfortable, an argument broke out at the next meeting. She felt it was her fault because she brought up the topic that ended up leading into the fight
Alexi attended a few meetings and starting to feel like she'd found friends who accepted her
She stopped going to the meetings and stayed in her dorm room when she wasn't in class
But her new friends cared too much to let her stay alone so they kept trying to reach out to her until she was finally able to understand she was worth being known