Max 16 Azubi im EinzelhandelMotivierter TrainingsanfängerMöchte Muskeln aufbauen
Werbetreibende d.h. Unternehmen bestimmen anhand von Kriterien und vorliegenden Informationen ihre Zielgruppen. So können sie ihre Zielgruppen eingrenzen und mit spezifischen Werbeangeboten ansprechen. Wie zum Beispiel Max.
This Exercise is called Squats. This workout is found on the Legs page. By doing squats it helps improve your balance and strengthens your core. You can do this exercise how many times you want.
This Exercise is called Push Ups. This workout is found on the Abs page as this exercise strengthens up your core and you can gain abs from it. I would recommend doing this exercise more than once.
This workout is called Tricep Dips. This is found on the arms page and is one of the most effective exercises for activating your tricep muscles in your upper arms. I would do this 10 times then have a break and do it 10 more times.
This workout is called Glute Kick. This is found on the Glute page and is very beneficial to your glutes and builds up the muscles in them. You can repeat this however many times you want.
I hope you enjoyed my Exercise App and was entertaining and also helps you to keep in shape. Thank you so much for using it. These are all the exercises I recomend but there are a lot more you can do.