At the end of the Nigeria#160;civil war that took place in 1967, A man from Nigeria#160;named Jonathan#160;Iwegbu was very grateful#160;for what he sill had after the war.
I had come out of the war with five inestimable blessings-his head, his wife Marie's head, and the heads of his three out of their four children#160;
Jonathan was beyond happy to still have his bike and had plans for it in the future#160;
As a bonus I also had his old bicycle-a miracle too but naturally not to be compared to the safety of five human heads
After about 2 weeks he was able to make about 100 and 15 pounds
I put it to immediate use as a taxi and and cumulated a small pie of Biafran money ferrying camp officials#160; and their families across the four mile stretch to the nearest tarred road
Jonathan made a trip to Enugu and found another miracle. His house was still standing and just near it was a huge concrete building that had collapse but jonathans house remained. He paid 50 pounds to rebuild what had#160;broke on it.
Indeed Nothings Puzzles God!
Jonathans children and wife work hard for there money. One day Jonathan was awarded for the rebel money he had turned in and now had 20 pounds of egg-rasher they called it
but nothing puzzles god
After Jonothanha collected his egg rasher, Some bad men saw and knew he had money at his house and wanted it#160;